A Review
Investigating the Impact of Embryonic Gene Editing on the Growth Rate and Fat Content of Crucian Carp
Author Correspondence author
Animal Molecular Breeding, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 1 doi: 10.5376/amb.2024.14.0001
Received: 01 Nov., 2023 Accepted: 10 Dec., 2023 Published: 01 Jan., 2024
Xu X.Y., 2024, Investigating the impact of embryonic gene editing on the growth rate and fat content of crucian carp, Animal Molecular Breeding, 14(1): 1-9 (doi: 10.5376/amb.2024.14.0001)
With the growing population and increasing food demand, the aquaculture industry is facing significant challenges. As a vital economic fish species, the growth rate and fat content of crucian carp are crucial factors determining its quality and market competitiveness. The emergence of gene editing technology provides a new avenue for improving the quality of fish. This study summarizes the research progress on the impact of gene editing on the growth rate and fat content of crucian carp embryos and explores the potential applications of gene editing technology in crucian carp aquaculture. Furthermore, the study proposes recommendations for future research directions and developments, including in-depth studies of gene function, long-term monitoring and assessment, advancement of regulatory and ethical standards, and interdisciplinary cooperation, to promote the sustainable application of gene editing technology in the aquaculture industry.
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. Xiaoying Xu
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. Crucian carp
. Gene editing
. Growth rate
. Quality improvement
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