AnimalSci Publisher Publishing Policy
AnimalSci Publisher Open Access Policy
How to Be an Editor in AnimalSci Publisher
AnimalSci Publisher Peer Review Policy
AnimalSci Publisher Article Processing Charges Policy
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■ AnimalSci Publisher's Open Access Policy
Every peer-reviewed research article published in AnimalSci Publisher journals is Open Access, which means:
1. The article is universally and freely accessible without any charges.
The article can be accessed by Internet without charges, and it will be deposited immediately to at least one of the well known international open access repositories with convenient readable format when published. Nowadays the format tends to be XML with public DTD.
2. The article is permitted unrestricted use, reproduce or redistribute, provided the original work is properly cited.
AnimalSci Publisher publishes open access journals online under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. All articles published in AnimalSci Publisher will be permitted unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
An open access article in AnimalSci Publisher journals is identified by .
■ How to Be an Editor in AnimalSci Publisher
AnimalSci Publisher welcomes any biologists from around the world who are committed to contribute his expertise in science to the community and any people who want to become an editor to join our team. To become a qualified editor, you have to start as a reviewer and eventually with online and practical trainings become qualified as an editor.
The evolutionary process of an editor in AnimalSci Publisher
1.Volunteer Reviewer
Register as a volunteer reviewer is the starting point for your editing career in AnimalSci Publisher. Click here to register as a reviewer.
2.Invited Reviewer
AnimalSci Publisher invites academic professionals worldwide to become our peer reviewers. These qualified individuals will automatically become our invited reviewers. Meanwhile, we will also select capable volunteer reviews as our invited reviews. Invited reviewer’s name will be listed on our website and the list will be reviewed annually.
3. Section Editor
The Section Editor is in charge of organizing, reviewing and editing the manuscript for a specific topic in a journal. The section editor position requires plenty of reviewing experiences and expertise in a professional field. In addition, the person should understand our AnimalSci Publisher’s ideals and is familiar with our publishing policies. The section editors, including full time section editor and section editor at large, are invited or appointed by AnimalSci Publisher.
4. Full Editor
Full Editor is responsible for organizing, reviewing and editing the manuscript for a designated journal. The position requires rich experience in journal publication with a deep understanding of AnimalSci Publisher's ideals and familiarity with our publishing policies. The full editor should also have an immense background knowledge and expertise in a professional field. The full editor, also including full-time full editor and full editor at large, is invited or appointed by AnimalSci Publisher.
We welcome you to join AnimalSci Publisher, a publishing platform full of beliefs and ideals. It is our unswerving aim to make AnimalSci Publisher the world's most outstanding publishing platform for academic journals in life sciences.
■ AnimalSci Publisher Peer Review Policy
All journals published in AnimalSci Publisher have been fully peer reviewed. For more detail about AnimalSci Publisher peer review policy, please read AnimalSci Publisher Peer Review section.
■ AnimalSci Publisher Article Processing Charges Policy
In order to keep open access policy with no subscription charges, AnimalSci Publisher defrays publication costs from article-processing charges. AnimalSci Publisher's standard article processing charge is 1200 CAD per article.
For more details about AnimalSci Publisher's charge policy, please read the AnimalSci Publisher Charge FAQ section.