Research Insight

Comparative Genomics of Fish: Insights into Evolutionary Processes  

Manman Li
Hainan Institute of Biotechnology, Haikou, 570206, Hainan, China
Author    Correspondence author
International Journal of Molecular Zoology, 2024, Vol. 14, No. 4   
Received: 26 May, 2024    Accepted: 08 Jul., 2024    Published: 29 Jul., 2024
© 2024 BioPublisher Publishing Platform
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Comparative genomics provides a powerful tool for understanding evolutionary processes, particularly in the diverse and ecologically significant group of fish. This study explores the evolutionary significance of fish genomics, highlighting the diversity of fish genomes and their key evolutionary milestones through comparative analyses with other vertebrates. Utilizing advanced genome sequencing techniques, bioinformatics tools, and comprehensive genomic databases, this study identifies gene family expansions, adaptive evolution, and evolutionary innovations within fish genomes. A case study on the evolution of antifreeze proteins in Antarctic fish illustrates the broader implications of these findings for understanding adaptation. This study also reveals critical evolutionary processes such as speciation, convergent evolution, and horizontal gene transfer. Looking forward, the integration of emerging technologies and interdisciplinary approaches in fish comparative genomics holds significant potential for advancing our understanding of evolutionary biology and informing conservation efforts.

Comparative genomics; Fish evolution; Gene family expansion; Antifreeze proteins; Speciation
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. Manman Li
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. Comparative genomics
. Fish evolution
. Gene family expansion
. Antifreeze proteins
. Speciation
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